Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Stitch in the Side

You know how you feel when you've run a mile after not exercising for a while? That's kind of the way it feels after you've finished a manuscript and finally struggle through the editing process.  Yes, there is a certain amount of pain. Pain that you've completed the process that you've been immersed in for so long and the idea that you have to think of what to do next. That's the crux of the matter. What do you do with that manuscript you're sure will be a success? Find an agent, write a query letter, synopsis, author bio. Send out a ton of emails and wait. What a let down. Who wants to do that? But don't think the self-publishing route is a cake walk. You still have to go through the steps if you want to give your book the exposure it deserves.

Everyone says the publishing world has changed drastically and many bemoan the fact that those "good old days" are gone for good. Technology has made it possible for just about anyone to publish a book, it seems. This can be a good and a bad thing. There are so many poorly written books out there, and some outstanding ones too. But back to our problem. How do you get your precious manuscript published and promote it? Of course, you can pay to have it edited, formatted, etc. if you don't have the skills; but that can run into big bucks. I would like to share some of my experiences with self-publishing in this blog, my successes and failures, in the hope that readers will benefit from what I have learned as an author and small press publisher. I'll also include reviews of my work and of authors on my site

I'll be posting a few thoughts every week. Keep writing!


  1. I went so far as to get a publisher once, but he asked me to add at least one "intimate scene" and a curse word or two, "even if in character dialogue." I never pursued it after that. You may be my inspiration - one of my dearest friends! Love you, Sharon!

    1. You should write a novel with a Mississippi setting, Jan.
